Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Shocking Facts on Steve Jobs Biography

Steve Jobs Biography book, which began to be marketed in several countries reveal surprising facts. This book is based on interviews Walter Isaacson, the author, with Jobs and the people nearby.  Steve Jobs biography preliminary review indicates this book is very interesting. Jobsbiography said to be a rich portrait of one person with the best minds of his day. Here aresome startling facts about Steve Jobs in the biography, as quoted from the Huffington Post, Tuesday (10/25/2011). Read the detail of this biography

Rabu, 02 November 2011

The biography of Steve Jobs is also a success in Bookstore

Not surprisingly, Steve Jobs, the authorized biography written by Walter Isaacson, is also a success in bookstores. In the U.S., it has sold 379,000 copies in its first week of marketing.

This is the first book sold in the country during this week and is three times better than number two, the latest novel by John Grisham. While the book has been marketed for a little over a week, it is already 18th in the ranking of sales for the year in the United States ... With the holiday season begins, this excellent score that should improve.

In France too, the book was a definite success. At present, it is the first and third FNAC at Amazon. The publisher in France, JC Lattes, we said it was too early for the return of sales. We did however indicate that the circulation of books had risen to 100,000 copies this week.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Steve Jobs Biography Sold Out in China

After becoming a best seller in the e-Book, Steve Jobs biography Chinese language version is also sold out in just a few hours after launch.

As reported by Yahoo News, Wednesday (10/26/2011), a book with the title "Steve Jobs: Biography", went on sale more than 20 cities in China on Monday, the same day when the book was released in bookstores United States (U.S.) and less than three weeks after Jobs dies.

"It's a good sale, we sell books in 21 cities with 30 stores books, and mostly sold out yesterday," said marketing director of Beijing CITIC Press, Kong Yan.

Apple's brand is very popular in China, many fans who queued for days to get the latest products.

Readers in China reveals a sincere admiration for Jobs. "I felt like he was talking directly to me," said Da Peng Peng told China microblog service, Sina Weibo.

Steve Jobs Biography : Gates Unimaginative

The founder of Apple, Steve Jobs called hisl rival, who is also the founder of Microsoft Corp. Bill Gates, as a 'unimaginative', according to steve jobs biography has just been released.

"Bill basically unimaginative and has never created anything, that's why I think he's more comfortable now in philanthropy rather than technology," said Jobs biographer, Walter Isaacson, as quoted by Reuters.

"Without shame, he just ripped off other people's ideas."

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Biography of Steve Jobs Bestseller on Kindle, Nook and iBook

Biography of Steve Jobs managed to occupy top positions in the best seller list, and the possibility the position will last a long time. "Steve Jobs" seems more and more popular, it is seen by many people who enthusiastically welcomed the biography. As reported byYahoo News, Wednesday (26/10/02011), a biography of Steve Jobs is now listed as abestseller on Kindle, Nook and Apple iBook. Read full review here.

Industry analysts predict, that the biography of Steve Jobs is going to survive in the top position for some time. Amazon spokesman revealed that the biography "Steve Jobs" can be a bestseller this year. Jobs's official biography was written by a former managing editor of Time magazine, Walter Isaacson. The book has appeared in bookstores yesterday.

Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs has been promoted in several places, such as theCBS program "60 Minutes" and NPR's "Fresh Air".

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Steve Jobs Biography Became Bestseller Before it is Published

Steve Jobs biography was published on October 24, 2011, but since a few months earlier, has opened pre-order and the result is the book became a bestseller before it is published. Check this link for that book detail.

 This book is the result of interviews conducted by Walter Isaacson of more than 36 times, 
and probably it could  the most complete book that tells the life story of Steve Jobs and recognized by Jobs himself. Earlier there were few books which are written part of life co-founder of Apple and former CEO of Apple Inc., one of the best  is :  Return to The Little Kingdom: How Apple and Steve Jobs Changed The World (Michael Moritz).

Biography of Steve Jobs Will Be Launched Soon

The news about the launch date biography of Steve Jobs is reported to be accelerated to the date of October 24, the same as the day of death of the co-founder of Apple was on Wednesday, said a spokesman from publisher Simon andSchuster.

The book was originally scheduled to be launched on 21November. As quoted by Reuters, the official biography"Steve Jobs", written by Walter Isaacson, former managingeditor of Time magazine and currently the chief executive of the Aspen Institute, which currently holds the number onebest seller in Amazon's list of customer purchases. 
Click here for detail of this biography